The Fall of Local News and Rise of Social Media Platforms: Information Disorders in the European Union and the Western Balkans

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation has reached unprecedented proportions, posing a number of challenges to societies worldwide. Many nation-states have taken measures to combat disinformation; however, the strategies and policies adopted to address this issue differ in each region of the world. Encountering disinformation myself made me think about the lack of…

Platform Empires: Navigating the Terrain of Data Colonialism and the Movement Towards Digital Decolonization

Introduction Following narratives of the Silicon Valley, platforms have emerged as the harbingers of unity and waves of democratic movements. The umbrella movement or the Black Lives Matter protests, as an example, have often been quoted as showing how digital platforms play crucial roles in democratic movements (Agur & Frisch, 2019). Opposing this narrative, scholars…